Continuing from last weeks’ great action, the first day of this week kicked off with 2 “Flats Slams”, 8 GT’s, 2 Triggers and 112 Bonefish. Arthur Wickson and Simon Dawes both landed GT’s, Triggers and Bonefish during the day to complete their “Flats Slams”, while Justin McCarthy got stuck into the GT’s and ended up with a tally of 3 for the day. As the week progressed the GT catches continued with numerous fish in the 80 – 95cm range. Day 4 was a memorable one with Rafn Valur Alfredsson landing his first GT of 104cm (50lbs) and Justin McCarty his first Indo Pacific Permit. By the end of the week there were 17 GT’s, 8 Triggerfish, 396 Bonefish, 1 Permit, 2 Sailfish, 19 Bluefin Trevally and 2 Wahoo landed on fly.
Tight lines from the Alphonse Team!