Fd: When did you start fly fishing? Can you tell us about your memories from those times?
Paula: I started fly fishing from a young age. For as far back as I can remember my dad had taken me out fishing with him. My younger years were spent mostly trolling flies with the memories of cool brisk mornings and mist coming off the lakes. One day at the age of 8 I watched my dad cast dry flies to sipping fish, it was at this moment that I wanted to learn how to cast and my passion for fly fishing grew.
Fd: What is your favorite freshwater specie? Why?
Paula: I don’t have a favorite fresh water species to target but I do love fishing for my local trout (Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Cutthroat trout and Bull trout). I’m lucky to have the ability to fish the Bow River being so close to home, or take a quick drive out to the mountains to fish the back country. A few times a year I head out west to fish for the famous British Columbia Steelhead.
Fd: What about your favorite saltwater fish?
Paula: I haven’t done a lot of salt water fishing, but I have had the opportunity to fish for bonefish and well as Red fish on two separate occasions. I look forward to future adventures fishing for numerous saltwater species in all corners of the globe.
Fd: When did you become a professional fly fishing guide?
Paula: I became a guide 3 and a half years ago after I wanted to make my passion for fly fishing something I could share with others.
Fd: What do you enjoy most about being a fly-fishing guide?
Paula: I absolutely love being a fly fishing guide, for me the biggest reward from my job is being able to give others the ability to experience the enjoyment that I have getting out and enjoying the outdoors on a daily basis.
Fd: When you visit new waters: Do you prefer to be guided or to fish on your own?
Paula: When I travel to a new destination I enjoy being guided a bit, but I also enjoy being able to get out there and explore. There is something about getting out and learning and experience a fishery on your own. Where there are challenges there is reward.
Fd: Which spots and species are in your bucket list?
Paula: My fishing bucket list is quite a long one but if I were to just name a few they would be:
Seychelles for GT and a multitude of different species.
Iceland for Atlantic Salmon
Mongolia for Taimen.
Costa Rica for Rooster Fish.
South America for Golden Dorado.
Fd: What does fly fishing mean to you?
Paula: Fly fishing to me means getting outside and enjoying the outdoors. You get to separate yourself from all the stress and business that is going on in your life and enjoy the moment surrounded by nature. This is where I feel that I am at my best.
_Thanks a lot, Paula!