Desde: 22/10/2014
Hasta: 01/11/2014
Tipo de Agua: Agua salada
Especies: Bonefish, Barracuda, Dorado (Mahi Mahi), Atún de aleta amarilla, Pez vela, Tiburón, Triggerfish, Otras especies, Milkfish, Golden Trevally, Brassy Trevally, Jobfish (Green Jobfish)
Alphonse Fishing News: 22 October – 1 November 2013
The weekly reports might sound similar, but the smiling faces in the photos have varied on a daily basis. Although this weeks weather has been largely unpleasant at timed the fishing has still been impressive with continued Triggerfish, GT’s and Permit catches. Paul Davidson managed to entice a beautiful Permit of 8lbs, which was feeding with a Stingray. Later on in the week Stephen Thomas came close to the second Permit of the week when he lost a trophy fish after a long fight. There was a distinctive splash of colour in the daily selection of photos as 9 great looking Triggers where caught and released for the 6 days of fishing. The Gt’s were around creating their normal havoc that started with Keith Melidoni breaking the 100c Ver más...Alphonse Fishing News: 22 October – 1 November 2013
The weekly reports might sound similar, but the smiling faces in the photos have varied on a daily basis. Although this weeks weather has been largely unpleasant at timed the fishing has still been impressive with continued Triggerfish, GT’s and Permit catches. Paul Davidson managed to entice a beautiful Permit of 8lbs, which was feeding with a Stingray. Later on in the week Stephen Thomas came close to the second Permit of the week when he lost a trophy fish after a long fight. There was a distinctive splash of colour in the daily selection of photos as 9 great looking Triggers where caught and released for the 6 days of fishing. The Gt’s were around creating their normal havoc that started with Keith Melidoni breaking the 100cm (45lbs) barrier on the first day. Braden Beck hooked up a good GT after 7 fish charged the boat and one engulfed the fly. Henry Mountain took a walk to the surf with Scott Keller and the 2 of them were astounded when they saw a GT that was apparently too big to be a GT! The Manta Rays and Milkfish have started to move into the lagoon which boasts well for the up and coming weeks. Stephen Busch and Terry Ring were the first anglers to “hook up” but sadly lost both fish were lost after lengthy fights. The fish of the week had to be Frayser White’s monster Barracuda of approximately 40lbs (160cm)
Another great week. Tight lines from Keith Rose-Innes, Devan Van Der Merwer and the Alphosne Team