Library Fishing Report Alphonse Island

Alphonse Island

Desde: 22/10/2014
Hasta: 01/11/2014
Tipo de Agua: Agua salada
Especies: Bonefish, Barracuda, Dorado (Mahi Mahi), Atún de aleta amarilla, Pez vela, Tiburón, Triggerfish, Otras especies, Milkfish, Golden Trevally, Brassy Trevally, Jobfish (Green Jobfish)
Alphonse Fishing News: 22 October – 1 November 2013

The weekly reports might sound similar, but the smiling faces in the photos have varied on a daily basis. Although this weeks weather has been largely unpleasant at timed the fishing has still been impressive with continued Triggerfish, GT’s and Permit catches. Paul Davidson managed to entice a beautiful Permit of 8lbs, which was feeding with a Stingray. Later on in the week Stephen Thomas came close to the second Permit of the week when he lost a trophy fish after a long fight. There was a distinctive splash of colour in the daily selection of photos as 9 great looking Triggers where caught and released for the 6 days of fishing. The Gt’s were around creating their normal havoc that started with Keith Melidoni breaking the 100c Ver más...


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