Library Fishing Report Rivers of Patagonia

Rivers of Patagonia

From: 12/02/2019
To: 12/08/2019
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Brook trout
Laguna Larga, Futaleufú y Yelcho

We hadn't done a great Patagonian trip for some time, so Luis San Miguel organized for us a fishing week during the beginning of December in Laguna Larga, Esquel, and in Futaleufú and Lago Yelcho, in Chile. The group was then formed by the historic Marcelo Mihura, Negro Del Río, and myself, under the direction of Luis San Miguel.

Laguna Larga

This is a small lake of glacial origin of about 3.5 km long, it is located within the Los Alerces National Park, near the Futalaufquen and Rivadavia lakes, and the Arrayanes and Rivadavia rivers. It is not a pond, because it drains its waters to Lake Futalaufquen through a small stream. The definition of a pond includes the absence of a drainage of its waters, although this is relative since there are imm View more...


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