Library Fishing Report Silver Creek

Silver Creek

From: 09/14/2015
To: 09/14/2015
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Brook trout, Cutthroat, Bull trout
“It was a long time since Nick had looked into a stream and seen trout. They were very satisfactory.” ~Ernest Hemingway, from “Big Two-Hearted River”
The satisfaction comes from not just seeing the trout, but from seeing the trout feed. And then seeing what the trout is feeding upon. And then imagining your presentation; imagining how your fly would float through the air and then land delicately with out detection. And then the take…the anticipation builds as the fish chooses your fly and rises up. Now the doing of the thing and seeing it happen just as you imagined it. That is very satisfactory. The trout was there. And you caught it. Twice. Fly fishing is a visual feast.

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