Snake River

Destino: Snake River
Desde: 14/02/2015
Hasta: 14/02/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Cutthroat , Whitefish, Cutthroat de moteado fino
With warmer temperatures for the past week winter fishing on the Snake River in Jackson Hole, WY has been a welcome departure from the ski hill. Active cutthroat trout can be found in deep back eddies and riffle tail-outs; eating zebra midges (red and black) as well as bead-head hare's ears and Prince nymphs. Good chances for rising fish can be found in these areas as well. Small midge patterns like the Griffiths Gnat and Para-Midge are good choices to for these risers. If all fails switch to a black streamer. I prefer a classic Wooly Bugger to some of the larger streamers we throw throughout the rest of the year. Today a few anglers opted to scrape their boats down the snowy bank for a long float. What a day they must have had. Walking the banks worked for us just fine.


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Brook trout, Brown trout, Cutthroat