Library Fishing Report The Route of the Spring Creeks

The Route of the Spring Creeks

From: 12/03/2017
To: 02/28/2018
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Brown trout, Brook trout
Brook Trout fishing in South Patagonia

One of the most famous kind of fish for its beauty and the fun of catching them is brook trout, salvelinus fontinalis. Lately Patagonia –clothing brand- has introduced to the fishing world the movie called “finding fontinalis” in which the director has moved from the search of a world record brook trout into a conservation effort to keep some pristine places that hold brook trout as safe as they can.

Meanwhile, way down south from Chubut province, there are a few creeks in Santa Cruz province that are famous for its brook trout fishing, like Pelke, Coyle and Chico Sur. But I must say that brook trout in these fisheries is very challenging. I was born fishing these creeks and today I have developed a destination called The Route of the Spri View more...


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