
Place: Tikchiks
From: 06/15/2018
To: 09/15/2018
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Coho salmon, Sockeye salmon, Chum salmon, Pink salmon, Chinook salmon, Rainbow trout, Arctic Char, Grayling
An overview of the guide season in Bristol Bay

I recently finished up my season in Alaska and wanted to reach out to everyone and give a report on my experiences guiding in Bristol Bay. I worked with Bristol Bay Lodge, one of the premier lodges in Alaska.

Bristol Bay Lodge is located on Lake Aleknagik in the Tikchik region of Bristol Bay. It is about an hour drive followed by a 40-minute boat ride across to the far end of the lake to get to the remote lodge. It is built in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and strategically located to fish the local waters and offer fly outs to the other fisheries we utilize.

During the first part of the season I was a guide on the local fisheries the Agulukpak, Agulowak, and Sunshine creek. The Agulukpak is a daily fly out and jus View more...


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Chinook salmon, Chum salmon, Coho salmon