Library Fishing Report Upper Colorado

Upper Colorado

Desde: 12/10/2017
Hasta: 12/10/2017
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Cutthroat
10/12/2017- It’s been absolutely amazing up on the Colorado all summer and early fall! Dry fly fishing has been incredible pretty much the entire day. Start small with an Adams, Royal Wulff or H&L variant with a Griffith’s Gnat Dropper. The time to move onto the bigger stuff in the late morning. The flows have been ideal for floating and the temperatures are keeping the bugs very active so the fish have been looking up, like for the last 4 months, no I’m not kidding. October on the Colorado can be spectacular! Autumn colors no crowds and big Trout eating dries and Streamers! The big Gold Medal PMD’s are also hatching! These are best imitated with a #12-14 Parachute Adams, Royal Wulff, Light Cahill, Para Wulff …


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