Library Video Freshwater Video - Chasing Brook Trout - The Next Generation

Video - Chasing Brook Trout - The Next Generation

The first fish I remember catching was a brook trout. I grew up in a region that isn't known for it's fishing, but there is one special gem of a lake that holds some of the most beautiful brookies on the planet. Brook trout have always been my favorite Salmonid. With anticipation for Spring here is a short video from a memorable trip last year. This was the first time that my son was able to take fly fishing into his own hands. I've been taking him down to my old stomping grounds each year for the past seven years to chase these fish. However, this year was different. He would leave camp snatching up a fly rod on his way out, walk to the lake and catch a couple of fish, then return to tell us about his success. No fatherly help necessary! I was very proud of him and the future that he is creating for himself in the world of fly fishing. Most of all I was excited to share this place and these fish with him in a similar way I experienced it when I was his age. This is just a teaser of a longer edit to come... enjoy.


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