Library Video Freshwater Video - Fly fishing for coarse fish: big chub fishing challenge | Butter Stick 2wt fiberglass fly rod review

Video - Fly fishing for coarse fish: big chub fishing challenge | Butter Stick 2wt fiberglass fly rod review

Hello, guys! The fly fishing season has finally started in Czechia and it was my first fly fishing trip in order to test a Butter Stick 2wt fiberglass fly rod with big chub. Since good trout rivers are situated quite far away from Prague the fly fishing for coarse fish is the way only to get away with a fly rod out of the overcrowded city. In other words, it was a fishing challenge for the new super-light fly rod.


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Osvaldo Velo

Osvaldo Velo

Guide, Fly Tying instructor, Casting instructor - Italy
