Library Step by Step Partridge & Orange

Partridge & Orange

About fifteen years ago, a friend of mine came home to order ten dozen of flies. I checked out the list of flies and realized he hadn’t ordered any Soft Hackle. I told him so and he just said, “I don’t like those, they are too simple.” I insisted on him taking some and he told me he would ta View more...
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Partridge & Orange
List of materials
MATERIALSHook: Mustad 3906, 3906B, 9671 or similar. Sizes #12 to #16.Thread: 6/0 or 8/0, orange.Abdomen: Orange Floss.Thorax: Hare´s Ear dubbing.Hackle: Brown hungarian partridge.

Step 1

Tie the orange floss to the hook shank.

Fly tying - Partridge & Orange - Step 1

Step 2

Evenly wrap some floss along the hook shank. Just one turn should be done.Place the dubbing material on the thread.

Fly tying - Partridge & Orange - Step 2

Step 3

Wrap the dubbing material to shape the small, rounded thorax. This segment should not be over 3mm long.

Fly tying - Partridge & Orange - Step 3

Step 4

Tie the brown Hungarian partridge at its tip.

Fly tying - Partridge & Orange - Step 4

Step 5

Wrap the partridge feather. No more than three turns should be done. Whip finish and cemment.

Fly tying - Partridge & Orange - Step 5


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Guide, Fly Tying instructor, Casting instructor - Slovenia
