Step 1
Tie a piece of yarn on hook
Step 2
Tie on hook a tuft of peacock herls
Step 3
I interweaving the herls peacock, except one.
Step 4
I wrap the tying thread around the yarn and peacock herls for the length of the extended body. Then I go back on the hook
Step 5
keeping taut the yarn and peacock herl, I wrap the intertwined peacock herls around them
Step 6
After tying the body, I tie the herls on the hook
Step 7
I reverse the herl on the body and tie it on the hook. This herl prevents that the body could unroll.
Step 8
Cut excesses of herls
Step 9
Tie a rooster hackle on hook
Step 10
Wrap hackle around hook, tie it and cut excess.
Step 11
Tie head of fly
Step 12
Cut excess of tag
Step 13
Fly finished