Library Step by Step The "Mountain Dew Midge"

The "Mountain Dew Midge"

I designed this Midge Pupa-emerger pattern for a specific lime-ish green midge hatch that occurs towards the end of the summer in the Colorado Rockies. The pattern is absolutely killer during this hatch, and can be fished on a weighted nymph rig or as an emerger behind a dry fly. It didn't take lon View more...
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The "Mountain Dew Midge"
List of materials
1.) Size #16-22 scud/midge hook of choice.2.) One strand of Olive/Pearl Flashabou.3.) Light Olive colored dubbing4.) 8/0 Green Thread

Step 1

1.) Tie in your green thread and wrap 1/3 of the way down the hook shank.

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 1

Step 2

2.) Next, tie in one strand of olive/pearl Flashabou and wrap it down almost all the way to the end of the gap of the hook. Then wrap your thread back up to the point where you tied in, making sure not to crowd the eye.

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 2

Step 3

3.) Tightly and evenly wrap the Flashabou back up the hook shank to create a segmented abdomen. Secure the Flashabou with some thread wraps, leaving space behind the eye of the hook.

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 3

Step 4

4.) Fold the flashabou into a loop and secure it with thread wraps toward the curve of the hook so the wings lie flat.

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 4

Step 5

5.) Next make a tight dubbing noodle using light olive colored dubbing. Wrap the dubbing noodle tightly, and be careful not to crowd the eye.

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 5

Step 6

6.) Whip-finish once or twice, then trim the flashabou at the point where the curve of the hook begins and your all done!

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 6

Step 7

Finished Product.

Fly tying - The "Mountain Dew Midge" - Step 7


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