Library Step by Step Whitlock's Sowbug

Whitlock's Sowbug

Many rivers in Arkansas have an abundance of sowbugs and Dave Whitlock created this fly to match those he found. Tie them in tan, brown and grey.
Touch the image to zoom in the fly.
Whitlock's Sowbug
List of materials
Hook: TMC 3761 Sizes 14-18 Thread: Uni-Thread 8/0 Lead Wrap: .020 Tail: Brown Goose Biots Body: Brown Hares Ear Dubbing Wing Case: Brown Polly Yarn Ribbing: Copper Wire

Step 1

Wrap on lead and secure with thread wraps in front and behind.

Fly tying - Whitlock's Sowbug - Step 1

Step 2

Crimp down lead with flat pliers

Fly tying - Whitlock's Sowbug - Step 2

Step 3

Tie on poly yarn at bend of hook and copper wire.

Fly tying - Whitlock's Sowbug - Step 3

Step 4

Attach goose biots on both sides of hook with curved part facing away from hook. Length should be 1/2 body length.

Fly tying - Whitlock's Sowbug - Step 4

Step 5

Dub on body to back of head.

Fly tying - Whitlock's Sowbug - Step 5

Step 6

Lay wing case over body and secure. Palmer copper wire through body and secure. Trim off excess, build a head and whip finish. Pick out body with a wire brush.

Fly tying - Whitlock's Sowbug - Step 6


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