Library Step by Step Yellow Stone

Yellow Stone

Many of you have probably experimented with the effectiveness of the flies with bodies made with quills, using for example peeled peacock quills in their natural or dyed color.
The attractive color of the peacock quill, with its dark stripe followed by a lighter one on degrade makes it a perfect el View more...
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Yellow Stone
List of materials
Hook: Mustad 9575, size 4.

8-0 white.

Tail: pheasant aftershaft and peeled feather raquis from the neck of a pheasant, dyed brown with permanent marker.

ABDOMEN: yellow rabbit dubbing, ribbed with a conical quill of a duck’s wing. Below the abdomen goes a lead carcass, as thick as the hook.

THORAX: yellow rabbit dubbing.

LEGS: fibers from the pheasant tail or neck feather.

WINGCASES and PRONOTUM: feathers from the ring necked pheasant, burned with stonefly wingburn View more...

Step 1

Tie an aftershaft, the feather we find between the base of the neck or back of the pheasant. It does not necessarily have to be from a ring-necked pheasant or pheasant itself. We can even use an ostrich feather with long fibers.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 1

Step 2

Carefully because they are delicate, wrap 3 or 4 turns with the aftershaft combing the fibers to the back.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 2

Step 3

Tie a tail at each side. You can make it by peeling feather from the neck of the ring necked pheasant, the purplish ones. You have to dye them with marker to mark the reticle after peeling. These raquis have the exact conical shape similar to the tails of natural stoneflies.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 3

Step 4

Place two strips of lead to shape the abdomen. Before tying it, refine the tips that will point to the tail.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 4

Step 5

Tie the thin part of the quill on the back, use yellow floss to cover the lead and shape the abdomen. The picture shows the quill held on the front by the thread, only so you can see its characteristics.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 5

Step 6

Cover the floss with a thin layer of yellow rabbit dubbing.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 6

Step 7

Wrap the quill combing it to the back at the same time as the dubbing to expose some fibers and add character to the abdomen. Use some more dubbing to shape the thorax.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 7

Step 8

Tie the first pair of legs with pheasant fibers and then place the first wingcase.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 8

Step 9

Add more dubbing, then the legs, and finally the wingcase.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 9

Step 10

Shape the last segment of the thorax with dubbing, add the last pair of legs and the pronotum on top, leaving space for the head and antennae.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 10

Step 11

Use dubbing to make a base for the antennae, tie them, then use a lacquered pheasant feather to make the back side.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 11

Step 12

Use some more dubbing for the head and lower the pheasant feather tying it between the antennae, where then we will place more dubbing and close with a good knot.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 12

Step 13

Finished fly.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 13

Step 14

Finished fly.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 14

Step 15

The abdomen seen from below.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 15

Step 16

The correct way to obtain the quill.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 16

Step 17

The correct way to obtain the quill.

Fly tying - Yellow Stone - Step 17


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