We’ve all seen it done.
On TV, in magazines and books, at every tournament and all over the Internet. All – of us if we’re truthful! – have done it. Many still do. Many more will, unfortunately, continue to do it. Despite the facts. The results of this all-to-common action, is death. What is it you say?
The answer is: the Horizontal-One-Hand-Lip-Grip-Hold.
You know, the one. Yeah, it’s grip part of the ‘Grip-n-Grin’; used to show off that beautiful big bass you’ve just caught. Showing you holding your trusty rod & reel; kissing ‘da bass, ‘Dance Style’; mugging for the camera – someone else or, worse yet!, a self-portrait; encouraging envy among your fishing party … and many other routinely justified purposes.
It may be popular and one could even say, “Well, everyone is doing it!” And about that part, you would be correct; nearly everyone IS doing it. But, there is no support for continuing to do it.
Fishermen must STOP using this damaging hold and STOP NOW.
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