Biblioteca Paso a Paso Parachute Caddis - Instrucciones de Atado

Parachute Caddis - Instrucciones de Atado

Our boxes are filled with endless patterns and every year new ones are added, unless one decides to fish only with the ones that never fail. Some fishermen just prefer to stock their boxes with Woolly Buggers and maybe some other patterns in different sizes and colors, thinking that a good day in th Ver más...
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Parachute Caddis
Listado de materiales
MATERIALSHook: TMC 100 or similar #10 - #16Thread: 8/0, brownBody: brown dry fly dubbing materialWing: a bit of speckled turkey feather. V-shaped at its tip and covered with flexible cementParachute Post: White calf body hairHackle: rooster feather - parachute style

Paso 1

Tie the white calf parachute post and make several turns at its base so it is rigid and upright.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 1

Paso 2

Shape the body with dubbing material.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 2

Paso 3

Next to the white calf post, tie the peacock feather segment. This should be flat over the dubbing body.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 3

Paso 4

Tie the rooster feather at the white calf post.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 4

Paso 5

Use some dubbing material to cover the tying of the peacock feather, and complete the body up to the hook eye.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 5

Paso 6

Wrap the rooster feather in a parachute style at the base of the white calf hair post. Whip finish and cemment.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 6

Paso 7

View from top.

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 7

Paso 8

View from below

Paso a paso - Parachute Caddis - Paso 8


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