Cowichan River

Desde: 27/04/2018
Hasta: 30/04/2018
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Steelhead, Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Cutthroat
With the spring weather here on Vancouver island the fishing is heating up as well and the bugs are starting to hatch. dry fly fishing for rainbow trout cutthroat and browns have been great mid day after the sun peeks out over the mountains. the may flies are first to emerge fallowed by the caddis hatch. If the dry fly fishing doesn't do it for you theres alway streamer fishing the big browns are on the hunt for salmon fry and love to chase big meat patterns. The end of may also kicks of summer run steelhead here on my local flows i will be keeping a close eye on the water levels check back with me as ill keep you up to date or call today and lets talk fishing still some good days open for may June before the become to warm to fish for the summer.


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