Eagle River

Destino: Eagle River
Desde: 23/06/2015
Hasta: 23/06/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis
Current Conditions Spring runoff is subsiding on the Eagle and flows are dropping. We'll be floating the Eagle in the next couple of days! Flows are still on the high side for wade fishing but if you find some slower water the trout will eat. Use caution while floating or wading! Try nymphing with large golden stonefly patterns and caddis larvae and emergers. We are just days away from the big summer caddis hatch and fantastic dry fly fishing on the Eage! Guide Tip: Look for slow water and fish it hard! Recommended Files Nymphs: Guide's Choice Olive #12-16,Soft hackles, Rubber Leg Twenty Incher, Pink Worms, Tan/Brown Pat's Rubberlegs, Big Prince Nymphs Dries: Foam Tan caddis, Peacock Stimulator, Tan Elk Hair Caddis, Missing Link Caddis Streamers: Vanilla Bugger, Sculpzilla ,Olive Near-Nuff Sculpin


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Trucha marrón, Trucha arcoiris, Bass de boca chica