Eagle River

Destino: Eagle River
Desde: 15/07/2017
Hasta: 15/07/2017
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Cutthroat
7/14/2017- It’s crazy good out there! Wade it or float it just get it. Flows are perfect for float fishing right now. Fish are holding pretty tight to the banks. Tan Elk Hair Caddis, Yellow Sally Stoneflies and Pale Morning Duns are all on the menu. Dry/dropper rigs are key. Best dry fly fishing is from mid morning until dark. Need to find a spot to fish on the Eagle check out our map app for the best in interactive river maps! Rains earlier this week have kept water levels and temperatures nearly perfect. The Tan Caddis are still the go to, look for more olive Caddis in the next week or two http://bit.ly/2v3Z5U0


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Tsiu River Outfitters

Tsiu River Outfitters

Lodge - Estados Unidos

Otras especies, Salmón Coho, Cutthroat