Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Middle Limay River

Middle Limay River

Desde: 14/01/2015
Hasta: 16/01/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón
We've been fishing the Middle Limay River for 3 days with 2, riverside camp, overnights. We found this outstanding tailwaters river with a very low water level, which made each of its water structures perceptible. Fishing was really outstanding! Each day we had lots of dry fly action. Very healthy and powerful rainbows between 18" and 21", as well as medium size Brownies, were really active and filled up our fishing trip with unthinkable leveles of adrenaline. Big foam attractors tied to a 2x tippet were the choice most of the time, while thinner tippets and #14 parachute or caddis were used when we advise any raising trout. Until next drift!


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