Desde: 22/03/2017
Hasta: 22/03/2017
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis
Nera is a spring creek that flows through a steep and narrow Umbrian limestone valley. This section of “No Kill’ began in 1994. It isfamous for the big trout that rise on dry flies. Nearby is a hatchery and an education center. This same hatchery provided the fish stocked in the Tevere Tail Water and others rivers in central Italy. This river is restricted to classic fly-fishing only and catch-and-release regulations. Fishing is carried out mostly with dry flies, imitating the very rich presence of mayflies and caddis.
Fishing Season :
from April 1st until end October
Closed on Tuesday
8 km (5 miles) Flyfishing Only , Catch and release
Only Brown Trout
15 € Government License for 3 months
15 € Day- Ticket.
It needs booking