Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Roaring Fork River

Roaring Fork River

Desde: 08/03/2015
Hasta: 08/03/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón
Report Date: March 8, 2015
Current Conditions:

Excellent winter fly fishing conditions with warmer than average temps on the Roaring Fork have it fishing like it is already spring. Warmer conditions will mean a more active bite and better fishing. The fishing on the Fork is good right now and for the next couple months the Roaring Fork stands out as one of the areas most consistent fisheries for larger than average trout! Nymphing with Eggs, baetis and midge patterns fished deep are devastating browns, rainbows and whitefish. Flows on the Fork are good for wading and floating by raft is also great option.

The fishing is good from late morning on and is excellent all day if cloudy conditions persist. We are now seeing more rising fish in the slower pools, especially in the afternoon. Ver más...


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