Spring Creek

From: 02/24/2017
To: 02/24/2017
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Rainbow trout, Brown trout
The weather in Central Pennsylvania was unseasonably warm...but very welcomed! It was bright and sunny with high temperatures in the low 50's. We fished many Central Pa streams in an effort to scout some water for our guided Spring Wild Trout trips. The Juniata River, Spruce Creek, and Spring Creek were the three main bodies of water. The Little Juniata River will be the focus of our Float Boat trips this Spring as well.

The hot flies on Spring Creek were the reliable Pheasant Tail Nymphs in sizes 16-18, Little Black Stone Flies in size 18, and Tan Scuds in size 20. Spring Creek had the most fishing pressure but we had no trouble hooking up with fish in runs that had been previously fished by other fishermen.

The Little Juniata River had more water volume and faster flows so we ha View more...


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