Squamish River

Desde: 11/12/2018
Hasta: 11/12/2018
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Salmón Coho, Bull trout
Hello Dreamers !
As winter is setting it's grip on most of Canada, we out here on the West Coast are faring much better so it seems. The freezing temperatures are up in the mountains where it's snowing hard, but down at sea level it's raining. That's good for fly fishing on the Squamish River for Bull Trout.
Bull Trout are feeding on salmon eggs and on bits of flesh from all the spawned out rotting Chum Salmon. December is a good month for these fish if you can find them. There's even the odd late run Coho salmon around.
Then everything shuts down until early March or when Spring arrives.
These Bulls can get up to 12 lbs but most are going to be in the 1 - 5 lb range.
Fly rods should be a minimum 6 weight but not more than 8 wt.
In the back drop of this scenic river you will see Ba Ver más...


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