Trout Waters

Destino: Trout Waters
Desde: 19/10/2014
Hasta: 19/10/2014
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis
Anxiously awaiting the new season. 2014 was a special year with great willow worm and minnow hatches in abundance along with our other great hatches. Hopper fishing was the best in years and midge fishing in the eddies was an everyday occurrence. Malleo, Chimehuin, Caleufu,Alumine, Malalco, Quillen and Tromen were consist all season and our trophy waters, the Limay Medio, produced many fish over 5 K with a number of big Bows in the mix.


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