Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Upper Pitt River

Upper Pitt River

Desde: 25/05/2019
Hasta: 25/05/2019
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Bull trout, Dolly Varden
Hello Fly Dreamers! We are just starting our Upper Pitt River trout fly fishing tours for the 2019 season and as usual the fishing is good! Recent catches have been in the 2 - 8 lb range. With the snow melt well under way this is making for the ideal conditions on this glacial fed river system. This well known river offers extremely good fly fishing for big sea-run Dolly Varden and Bull Trout from late May until early July. We access the river using our 21 foot custom jet boats, and then it's walk n wade in this remote watershed located 1 hour from Vancouver. Great fishing, scenery and wildlife are abundant. We provide all high end fly gear including waders/boots. Organic food is always supplied to fuel your busy day.


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