Atlantic salmon are known as the "king of freshwater gamefish,"
I am an Atlantic Salmon fly fishing guide on Nova Scotia's Margaree River and other Nova Scotia rivers.
Our fly fishing season for Atlantic Salmon starts June 1st and ends October 31st. Atlantic Salmon begin entering our rivers in late May/ early June and keep entering our rivers from their ocean migration throughout the season until their normal spawning time in November/December.
The summer and fall fishing season is similar to the typical freshwater fly-fishing that is practiced throughout the world. As well, most of our fishing is done by wading the rivers, or streamside, normally using floating lines and a variety of traditional and modern Atlantic Salmon wet and dry fly patterns. However, nothing equals the adrenaline ru Ver má of seeing an Atlantic Salmon rising to a dry fly!
We usually fish with 9-10 ft. / 8-9 wt. one handed flyrods during normal conditions most of the season and also fish with two handed spey rods during high water periods.
I am always available for a friendly chat to answer any of your questions about the fly fishing or the area. You can email me at dryflysalmon@gmail or call me at 902-224-0499.
There are many other things to see and do here in our little corner of paradise. The Cabot Trail is a must drive! One of North America's premiere scenic routes!
I would be happy to help you plan your itinerary.
Salmón del Atlántico
Contactar Robert Chiasson
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