We have created a comfortable yet rustic retreat for your Alaska adventure at our property just a short drive north of Nome, at the base of the Twin Peaks. Our site includes 3 cabins on private property right alongside the Snake River where you can see salmon spawning, and grayling and dolly varden vying for position late in the summer. It’s a comfortable, quiet place to relax and a great base for a wide variety of fishing opportunities just minutes away in the helicopter.
Arctic Char - Salvelino Alpino, Salmón Chum , Salmón Coho, Dolly Varden, Grayling, Lucio, Salmón Pink , Salmón Sockeye
Probably the best sport fishing for salmon is for the Coho, or Silver Salmon. Coho rear in freshwater for one or two years before smolting and traveling to the sea. They remain at sea for about 14 months and begin to enter our rivers during late July. The run peaks in mid-August and continues into September. Silvers are known for their acrobatic leaps and their long runs. Many Seward Peninsula Rivers receive good returns of Coho Salmon.
Caught early in the run, you will get a beautiful bright silvery fish. As they get closer to spawning, the fish will darken to a bronze or purplish color, and then finally turn all red. But don’t think you’ve got the upper hand; a red-colored Coho can still put up a mean fight.
Fly-fish for these spectacular fish with an 8 weight fly rod. Ver más...Coho are very aggressive and will usually attack most bright attractor patterns. Tie simple streamers with a combination of colors including red/white, orange/white, and pink/yellow. A little bit of silver flash or sparkle will add to the appeal.
The Sockeye or Red Salmon is a beautiful fish and one of the best eating salmon available. Once they get closer to spawning, their entire body turns red, and their head turns green. We catch these fish on two rivers in substantial numbers, and occasionally see a few on other area rivers.
Sockeye Salmon rarely bite anything offered on fly or conventional gear although with persistence you may occasionally entice one to bite at a Green Eyes, Red Hot, or similar fly.
Post-spawn, these fish are much more aggressive, and you will not have a problem hooking into a beautiful red and green fish that will give you a considerable fight.
The Pink salmon, or Humpy, runs in Seward Peninsula waters in larger numbers than any other fish. Young pink salmon travel directly to the sea after emerging from the gravel in the spring. They return the next year as adults ready to spawn, completing their entire life cycle in two years. Males are easily recognizable by the large hump that develops on their back as they approach spawning. Even our small Seward Peninsula Rivers swell with millions of fish during the strong even-year runs, and several hundred thousand fish run in the odd-numbered years. Caught early in their run, these can be a good-eating fish. If you’ve always wanted to catch fish until your arms ached, this is the fish for you. They are comparable in size and fighting characteristics to a Dolly Varden.
Pink salmon runs provide tons of marine derived nutrients that fertilize our rivers, and provide food for other fish in the form of eggs, fry and flesh. Conventional gear fishermen will catch these salmon on pixies or any other flashy spoon or spinner.
Fly fishermen will have luck with green woolly buggers, flash flies, or any other typical salmon attractor pattern.
The Chum or Dog salmon is unfortunately one of Alaska’s most underrated sport fish. They are one of the larger salmon in the bunch, with Seward Peninsula chum averaging 8-12 lbs. Young chum salmon migrate directly to the sea after emerging from the gravel in the spring. They return to spawn in fresh water after three to five years in the ocean.
Fresh out of the sea these fish are bright silver in color, turning darker with vertical stripes and growing large teeth as they near their spawning grounds. You don’t hear of many people targeting the Chum, however they are a strong fighting sport fish and will give any fisherman a challenge. Many Chum salmon are caught each year by anglers fishing for other species.
Fly fishermen should be prepared with no less than an 8-weight rod when fishing waters inhabited by Chum salmon. Use flies that you would use for any other salmon, such as bunny flies, flash flies, the Popsicle, or any multi-colored streamer.
These unique fish demand clear, clean water to survive, the main reason that they are all but extinct in the lower 48. They thrive on the Seward Peninsula, and are a great sport on a fly rod. Arctic grayling are the oldest fish in the bunch up here and are known to live for as long as 30 years. Arctic grayling undertake annual migrations within the river seeking out spawning areas in the early spring and then moving to summer feeding areas where they remain until moving to a suitable over wintering location in the late fall.
We have large populations of anadromous Dolly Varden in this area. The fish range in size from 16 to 24 inches, with occasional fish reaching 30 inches in length. Young Dolly Varden live in freshwater for their first three years and then begin a migratory lifestyle moving to sea in spring and returning to freshwater in the fall to spend the winter. Upon reaching sexual maturity, many fish will not migrate, but remain in rivers to spawn in September or October. Arctic char, while present, only reside in a few of our mountain lakes.
These voracious eaters are famous for their large number of VERY sharp teeth, and the tenacity with which they feed on bait fish, mice, and even the occasional duck. A very exciting fish to catch on a fly rod or with conventional gear, these prehistoric looking creatures will definitely provide a thrill.
We will search for these fish in the sloughs and backwater north of Nome.
Our Northern Pike range from 20-35 inches and 5-15 pounds, however 40+ inch and 20+ pound Pike are not uncommon. Fly-fishermen will need an 8-9 weight rod with a steel leader or 40lb monofilament for a leader section.
Our “lodge” is really a large Alaskan style cabin, with the addition of a solar powered electrical system and running water from our well. We’ve got a hot shower and hot tub waiting for you after a day on the river. Our two guest cabins are located right next door for private sleeping accommodations for couples and mixed groups. The “best restaurant in Nome” is open only for your stay, as we’ll be serving halibut, filet mignon, king crab and fresh caught salmon in our main cabin. Our large lawn is a great area to practice casting if desired. Enjoy our screen porch bar, fire pit, and large deck area with your friends, family, and your new friends at Twin Peaks Adventures.
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