Pioneer Fishing Lodge offers a variety of inviting accomodations including our all inclusive fly fishing holidays.
For those wanting to 'do their own thing' there is a fully equipped apartment plus use of the clubhouse and specialist facilities such as the fully equipped dry room and hot tub.
Salmón Chinook
Pioneer Fly Fishing
The Ultimate Fly Fishing Destination
Discerning salmon and steelhead anglers from all over the world choose the Skeena Valley in NW Canada for their fly fishing vacations. Whatever your ability, be it complete beginner or seasoned angler, we can provide a fly fishing experience not to forget.
The Skeena River
The Skeena, traditionally known as the "River of Mists", is the second largest river system in British Columbia and one of the longest un-dammed rivers in the world. The water is cold and fast - resulting in big healthy fish and plenty of them - up to 5 million spawning salmon and steelhead pass through Terrace each year.
Local experts
We work in partnership with Nicholas Dean Outdoors, a team of highly experienced licensed local guides that are experts on the lo Ver má rivers. Group sizes small for your maximum benefit, specializing in flyfishing but also experience with conventional methods they provide 1 expert guide for 2 guests (unless otherwise requested).
Catch & release
Catch and Release is a fundamental part of the Pioneer Lodge ethos, whilst we appreciate you may want to keep some fish we respect these wild salmon and their habitat and wish to preserve the natural stocks, where possible, for future generations to enjoy.
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