For twenty summers, Three Rivers Lodge has been welcoming traveling fly anglers from the western world to safely and comfortably experience the unsullied Labrador wilderness. With comfortable quarters, a caring and experienced staff, and accomplished fishing guides, our guests enjoy the finest brook trout fishery to be found anywhere. Days are spent exploring lively waters, evenings enjoying friends, dinner and libations on the porch and in our "old world" dining lodge, and nights in comfortable beds regaining the energies for the next days adventures. Laughter, close attention to your individual needs and preferences, camaraderie and great food bring our guests back year after year.
Arctic Char - Salvelino Alpino, Salmón del Atlántico , Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis, Trucha de lago, Salmón encerrado, Lucio, Whitefish
**Fly Fishing, Catch and Release, Barbless Hooks**
The runs and riffles of our Woods River system offer unsurpassed fly angling for brook trout, lake trout and northern pike. The Beaver float plane at our dock provides access to distant rapids of our river system as well as other wilderness rivers in Labrador that hold landlocked salmon and Arctic charr.
Four private guest cabins with bedroom(s), sitting room with wood stove, full private bathroom, and front porch
Baños Individuales
Servicio de Transfer
Servicio de Guía
Lancha Lund Alaskans and Scott Freighter Canoes
Idiomas hablados
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