Biblioteca Video Fly tying Video - Blowtorch Tag-Nymph Fly Tying Tutorial

Video - Blowtorch Tag-Nymph Fly Tying Tutorial

The Blowtorch is a variation on a pattern our Czech guide showed my Fly Fishing Team USA mates and I while fishing in the 2014 World Fly Fishing Championships. It was deadly in the Czech Republic and it has been deadly here in the USA as well. I generally fish it as the point fly on a two or three fly Euro nymphing or Czech nymphing rig but it would work just as well with a strike indictor rig. In this tutorial you will learn how to tie this fly as well make a soft hackle nymph with oversized feathers. Buy the materials for this fly at: For recipe and pictures visit: For more fly tying videos and fly tying instructions subscribe and follow my youtube channel If you are on facebook follow me there as well Don't forget Instagram


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