Biblioteca Video Saltwater Video - First Bonefish on The Fly

Video - First Bonefish on The Fly

I kid you not we are maybe there for 20 minutes and I see my first tail. James poles over to it slowly and a few more pop up. The next few seconds feel like an eternity I shoot a cast out in front of them it's a short cast really maybe only like 40 feet. I drop it at 30... too short. Recast closer but still too short.. I'm starting to panic a little, I reach back and just drop one in about 3 feet in front of my last cast and right on length wise. "STRIP, STRIP, STRIP!" FISH ON!! BOOOM that thing just explodes line out I'm doing all I can not to wrap it around the rod, reef, my feet hands, all the experience I have with big fish melts in front of me as this 6 pound bone fish tears off 200 feet of line in 5-6 seconds. It's on, I can celebrate making it through the most difficult part. I look at James and he says to me "I never really do breathe while all of that is going on." Me either, such a relief when that fish is up to boat for a good photo opp where I can "Grip and Grin" with the best of them.


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Nick Denbow

Nick Denbow

Guía, Instructor de atado, Instructor de lanzamiento - México
