Biblioteca Video Freshwater Video - Fishing for Chinook Salmon - British Columbia

Video - Fishing for Chinook Salmon - British Columbia

Chinook Salmon - British Columbia Spring/Summer Tour took me up to the far reaches of British Columbia's Skeena River and the many tributaries of that amazing Canadian watershed. For Catch Magazine's 48th edition, T-Motion theater presents a video about the wild and adventurous chase, fly fishing for spring/summer Chinook salmon on the swing, via helicopters piloted by Dave Hiltenkamp of Summit Helicopters LTD out of Terrace British Columbia and jet sleds from the Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness & Lodge also from Terrace British Columbia. The anglers on camera include none other than the talented Adrienne Comeau, who guides for Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness & Lodge and Steve McPhail, owner of Nass River Steelhead Company out of Terrace British Columbia. This tech-infused video includes some great insight on fly fishing for the big Chinook Salmon, who live in the world-renown waters of British Columbia. Thanks to the British Columbia Fishing Resort and Outfitter Association, Eddie Bauer, Ross Reels, Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness & Lodge, Nass River Steelhead Company and Summit Helicopters LTD. Get out your notes and start planning your next adventure while you watch this action packed, information loaded video! hing for Chinook Salmon - British Columbia


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