Biblioteca Video Agua Dulce Video - I could watch this video more than twice

Video - I could watch this video more than twice

Todd Moen's "Run" series is the most amazing compilation of steelhead fly fishing short films ever made. Spring Run, the third in the series, is the most engaging of the series yet. The set for the remote river float trip adventure is a gorgeous coastal rain forest setting, bright green moss, towering spruce trees, blooming flowers emerging into a gorgeous estuary and beach. This video does a great job of capturing the spirit and essence of why we fly fish for steelhead. The stunning shots make you feel as though you are there in the rain, standing waist deep in the cold Spring river. Complete with an amazing, action packed segment of feisty, chrome-bright, fresh from the salt steelhead. This is as close as you can get to really getting out there and working hard for these magnificent and elusive wild fish.


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